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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.358
The CLOS code repository is available by anonymous ftp to
nervous.cis.ohio-state.edu [] in the directory
pub/lispusers/clos/. If you've got code you'd like to add to the
repository, send mail to Arun Welch, commonloops-request@cis.ohio-state.edu.
The Macintosh Common Lisp repository contains Lisp code for
MCL contributed by MCL users. It is available by anonymous ftp from
cambridge.apple.com:pub/MACL/CONTRIB []
and also contains the Info-MCL mailing list archives.
The CLIM Library (a library of CLIM code) is available on
cambridge.apple.com:/public/clim. For more information, contact
Vincent Keunen, keunen@nrb.be.
MIT AI Lab -- ftp.ai.mit.edu:pub/
loop-macro.tar [LOOP from CLtL1]
series/ [SERIES from CLtL2]
Iterate/ [Alternative to series and loop.]
clmath.tar [Numeric math 1984]
ontic/ [ONTIC Knowledge Rep. for Mathematics]
xp/ [Waters' XP Lisp Pretty Printer]
The LispUsers Archives, a collection of programs for Medley, can be
found on nervous.cis.ohio-state.edu:pub/lispusers/medley. Also on
nervous.cis.ohio-state.edu is GTT, an implementation of Chandrasekaran's
Generic Tasks Toolset, in directory pub/lispusers/toolset.
There's a repository of Amiga LISP implementations (and other Lisp-like
language implementations) on gatekeeper.pa.dec.com:pub/micro/amiga/lisp/.
Common Lisp versions of the mini programs from "Inside Computer
Understanding" by Schank and Riesbeck, 1981, are available by
anonymous ftp from cs.umd.edu in the directory pub/schank/icu. This
includes the SAM and ELI miniatures. It will eventually include copies
of the miniature versions of PAM, POLITICS, and Tale-Spin. The FOR
macro is also available in this directory, as are a set of functions
for manipulating and matching lisp representations of Conceptual
Dependency formulas. Contact Bill Andersen <waander@cs.umd.edu> for
more information. The directory pub/schank/icbr contains the complete
code for "Inside Case-Based Reasoning" by Riesbeck and Schank, 1989.
This includes code for an instructional version of CHEF by Kristian
The software from Peter Norvig's book "Paradigms of AI Programming" is
available by anonymous ftp from unix.sri.com:pub/norvig and on disk in
Macintosh or DOS format from the publisher, Morgan Kaufmann.
Software includes Common Lisp implementations of:
Eliza and pattern matchers, Emycin, Othello, Parsers,
Scheme interpreters and compilers, Unification and a prolog
interpreter and compiler, Waltz line-labelling,
implementation of GPS, macsyma, and random number generators.
For more information, contact:
Morgan Kaufmann, Dept. P1, 2929 Campus Drive, Suite 260
San Mateo CA 94403, (800) 745-7323; FAX: (415) 578-0672
Mac ISBN 1-55860-227-5
DOS 3.5" ISBN 1-55860-228-3
DOS 5.25" ISBN 1-55860-229-1
A catalog of free and commercial natural language software
is available from the Natural Language Software Registry,
by anonymous ftp from tira.uchicago.edu [] in
the directory /registry, or by email to registry@tira.uchicago.edu.
TI Explorer Lisp Code -- sumex-aim.stanford.edu:pub/exp/
The Knowledge Systems Lab's set of Explorer patches and tools. It
includes in the jwz subdirectory a set of tools written and collected
by Jamie Zawinski. Send questions to acuff@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
[6-2] Repositories of Scheme Software
There are several repositories of publicly redistributable and
public domain Scheme code.
The Scheme Repository contains a Scheme bibliography, copies of the
R4RS report and other papers, sample Scheme code for a variety of
purposes, several utilities, and some implementations. The Scheme code
includes code for calendar calculations, Earley parser, FORMAT for
Scheme, a scheme version of the Gabriel benchmarks, Marc Feeley's
minimal object support for Scheme, a Scheme pretty-printer, a Prolog
interpreter written in Scheme, a random number generator in Scheme, an
implementation of SCOOPS, code from Abelson and Sussman's SICP book,
Aubrey Jaffer's IEEE/R^3.99RS compliance test, and a LALR(1) parser.
The repository is maintained by Ozan S. Yigit, scheme@nexus.yorku.ca.
The repository is accessible by anonymous ftp at nexus.yorku.ca
[] in the directory pub/scheme/.
Scheme Implementations may also be found at altdorf.ai.mit.edu:/archive/
The R4RS report is available in altdorf.ai.mit.edu:/archive/scheme-reports/
or as MIT AI Memo 848b (email publications@ai.mit.edu for more information).
The altdorf archive includes SCOOPS, CL2Scheme, extend-syntax,
btree, Gabriel benchmarks, FORMAT for Scheme, etc.
[6-3] Publicly Redistributable Lisp Software
AI Algorithms and Tools:
PAIL (Portable AI Lab) is a computing environment containing a
collection of state-of-the-art AI tools, examples, and documentation.
It is aimed at those involved in teaching AI courses at university
level or equivalent. The system has enough built-in functionality to
enable its users to get practical experience with a broad range of AI
problems without having to build all the supporting tools from
scratch. It is implemented in Common Lisp and uses CLOS and Allegro
Common Windows (i.e., in Allegro CL 4.1). It is available by anonymous
ftp from pobox.cscs.ch ( in the directory /pub/ai/pail-2.1/.
Written by Mike Rosner and Dean Allemang {dean,mike}@idsia.ch.
AI_ATTIC is an anonymous ftp collection of classic AI programs and
other information maintained by the University of Texas at Austin. It
includes Parry, Adventure, Shrdlu, Doctor, Eliza, Animals, Trek, Zork,
Babbler, Jive, and some AI-related programming languages. This
archive currently resides on the host ftp.cc.utexas.edu
(bongo.cc.utexas.edu, in the directory /pub/AI_ATTIC.
For more information, contact atticmaster@bongo.cc.utexas.edu.
The Automatic Memoization Facility adds a practical memoization
facility to Common Lisp. Automatic memoization is a technique by which
an existing function can be transformed into one that "remembers"
previous arguments and their associated results, yielding large
performance gains for certain types of applications. This facility
extends the ideas from Norvig's book into what is needed for a
practical tool for us in large programs. It adds facilities for
bookkeeping and timing, and lets you evaluate of the timing advantages
of memoization, and save hash tables to disk for automatic reuse in
later sessions. The code is available by anonymous ftp from
archive.cs.umbc.edu:/pub/Memoization []. Contact Marty Hall
<hall@aplcenmp.apl.jhu.edu> for more information. The code includes an
overview of memoization and its applications.
Gabriel Lisp Benchmarks are available by anonymous ftp as
Lucid CL contains a set of benchmarks in its goodies/ directory,
including Bob Boyer's logic programming benchmark, a benchmark to
create and browse through an AI-like database of units, a CLOS speed
test, a compilation speed test, TAKR (the 100 function version of TAK
that tries to defeat cache memory effects), CTAK (A version of the
TAKeuchi function that uses the CATCH/THROW facility), STAK (A version
of the TAKeuchi function with special variables instead of parameter
passing), DERIV and DDERIV (Symbolic derivative benchmarks written by
Vaughn Pratt), DESTRU (a destructive operation benchmark), DIV2 (a
benchmark which divides by 2 using lists of n ()'s), the FFT benchmark
written by Harry Barrow, FPRINT (a benchmark to print to a file),
FRPOLY (a Franz Lisp benchmark by Fateman based on polynomial
arithmentic), Forest Baskett's PUZZLE benchmark (originally written in
Pascal), the TPRINT benchmark to read and print to the terminal, a
benchmark that creates and traverses a tree structure, and TRIANG
(board game benchmark). Some of the benchmarks may work only in Lucid.
Blackboard Architectures:
The UMass GBB system (V1.2) is available by anonymous ftp from
dime.cs.umass.edu:/gbb. The commercial GBB product is not.
Work on the UMass GBB project (and funding) ended over 2 years ago.
Many researchers using it have opted for the commercial
release. The UMass research system remains available, but the
two should not be confused as the commercial system is
substantially improved and extended. The commercial system is available
from Blackboard Technology Group, PO Box 44, 401 Main Street,
Amherst, Massachusetts 01002, 413-256-4240.
Case-based Reasoning:
CL-Protos is a Common Lisp implementation of the case-based
reasoning system developed by E. Ray Bareiss and Bruce W.
Porter of the University of Texas/Austin AI Lab. It runs
on Sun3, TI Explorer, HP 9000, and Symbolics, and gobbles a
huge amount of memory. Common Lisp implementation by
Rita Duran, Dan Dvorak, Jim Kroger, Hilel Swerdlin, and Ben Tso.
For more information, bug reports, or comments, contact
either Dan Dvorak <dvorak@cs.utexas.edu> or Ray Bareiss
<bareiss@ils.nwu.edu> or Erik Eilerts <eilerts@cs.utexas.edu>
Available by anonymous ftp from cs.utexas.edu:/pub/porter
Postgres is an object-oriented database, and is available
from postgres.berkeley.edu:/pub/postgres*
It runs on DecStation 3100s, Sun3 (SunOs), Sun4 (Sparc),
and Sequent Symmetry.
Eliza and Similar Programs:
See Peter Norvig's book (question [6-1] above).
The doctor.el is an implementation of Eliza for
GNU-Emacs emacs-lisp. Invoke it with "Meta-X doctor"
Source code for ELIZA in Prolog (implemented by Viren
Patel) is available by ftp from aisun1.ai.uga.edu.
muLISP-87 (a MSDOS Lisp sold by Soft Warehouse) includes
a Lisp implementation of Eliza.
Compute!'s Gazette, June 1984, includes source for a
BASIC implementation of Eliza. You can also find it
in 101 more computer games, edited by David Ahl,
published by Creative Computing (alas, they're defunct,
and the book is out of print).
Herbert Schildt "Artificial Intelligence using C",
McGraw-Hill, 1987, ISBN 0-07-881255-0, pp315-338,
includes a simple version of DOCTOR.
ucsd.edu:pub/pc-ai contains implementations of Eliza
for the IBM PC.
The original Parry (in MLISP for a PDP-10) is available in
RACTER is *not* public domain. According to A.K. Dewdney's book,
"The Armchair Universe", Racter is available from John Owens,
INRAC, Inc., 12 Schubert St., Staten Island, NY 10305. It was
published in 1984, and written in compiled BASIC.
Expert Systems:
FOCL is an expert system shell and machine learning program written in
Common Lisp. The machine learning program extends Quinlan's FOIL
program by containing a compatible explanation-based learning
component. FOCL learns Horn Clause programs from examples and
(optionally) background knowledge. The expert system includes a
backward-chaining rule interpreter and a graphical interface to the
rule and fact base. For details on FOCL, see: Pazzani, M. and Kibler,
D., "The role of prior knowledge in inductive learning", Machine
Learning 9:54-97, 1992. It is available by anonymous ftp from
ics.uci.edu as a (binhexed, compacted) Macintosh application,
pub/SaranWrap/KR-FOCL-ES.cpt.hqx, or as Common Lisp source code (see
pub/SaranWrap/README for details). If you use a copy of FOCL, or have
any comments or questions, send mail to pazzani@ics.uci.edu.
BABYLON is a development environment for expert systems. It
includes frames, constraints, a prolog-like logic formalism, and a
description language for diagnostic applications. It is implemented in
Common Lisp and has been ported to a wide range of hardware platforms.
Available by anonymous ftp from gmdzi.gmd.de:gmd/ai-research/Software/
( as a BinHexed stuffit archive, on the Apple CD-ROM, or
with the book "The AI Workbench BABYLON", which contains *full source
code* of BABYLON and the stand-alone version for the Mac. The book
describes the use of BABYLON in detail.
OPS5 -- See Lisp Utilities Repository in question [6-1].
Frame Languages:
FrameWork is available in the Lisp Utilities Repository described above.
THEO (learning frame system) is available free from CMU, after
signing a license agreement. Send mail to Tom.Mitchell@cs.cmu.edu.
FrameKit is available free from CMU, after signing a
license agreement. Send mail to Eric.Nyberg@cs.cmu.edu
KR. Send mail to Brad.Myers@cs.cmu.edu for more info.
PARKA. Frames for the CM. Contact spector@cs.umd.edu.
PARMENIDES (Frulekit) is available free, after signing
a license agreement. Send mail to peter.shell@cs.cmu.edu
FROBS is available free by anonymous ftp from
Contact Robert Kessler <kessler@cs.utah.edu> for more info.
PFC is a simple frame system written by Tim Finin
available free by anonymous ftp from linc.cis.upenn.edu.
YAK is a hybrid knowledge-representation system of the
KL-ONE family. Includes an optional graphical interface
depending on the Lisp. Available free after signing a license
agreement. Contact Enrico Franconi <franconi@irst.it>.
Genetic Algorithms:
GECO (Genetic Evolution through Combination of Objects) is a
genetic algorithm shell written by George Williams,
<george@hsvaic.boeing.com>. It is available by anonymous ftp
from cambridge.apple.com:/pub/mcl2/contrib/ as the following
GECO-v1.0.cpt.hqx binhex'd Compact Pro archive
GECO-v1.0.tar.Z compressed tar file for Unix machines (no MCL
GECO.abstract a brief description
It runs in MCL 2.0, but should be portable among CLtL2 compliant
Common Lisps.
GAL is a genetic algorithm suite written by Bill Spears of NRL. The
MCL2.0 port was done by Howard Oakley <howard@quercus.demon.co.uk> and
is available from cambridge.apple.com:/pub/MCL2/contrib as
GAL.sea.hqx. Improvements and adaptations should be sent to Bill
Spears, but questions on the MCL port should be directed to Howard Oakley.
Knowledge Representation:
KNOWBEL is an implementation of Telos (a sorted/temporal logic
system) by Bryan M. Kramer, <kramer@ai.toronto.edu>. It is
available by anonymous ftp from ai.toronto.edu:/pub/kr/ as the
files knowbel.tar.Z and manual.txt.tar.Z
Runs in Allegro CL on Sparcstations and Silicon Graphics 4d
and in MCL on Apple Macintoshes.
SNePS is a semantic net implementation, available free after
signing a license agreement. Contact shapiro@cs.buffalo.edu
for more information.
COLAB (COmpilation LABoratory) is a hybrid knowledge representation
system emphasizing the horizontal and vertical compilation of
knowledge bases. It is comprised of cooperating subsystems -- CONTAX,
FORWARD, RELFUN and TAXON -- which deal with different knowledge
representation and reasoning formalisms. Each subsystem can also be
used as stand-alone system. CONTAX deals with constraint nets and
constraint-propagation techniques. Relational knowledge in the form of
Horn rules is processed by forward (FORWARD) and backward (RELFUN)
chaining. Taxonomic knowledge is represented by intensional concept
definitions which are automatically arranged in a subsumption
hierarchy (TAXON). The COLAB software was developed at DFKI and the
University of Kaiserslautern and runs in Common Lisp. (The subsystems
have been tested in AKCL and Lucid CL, and possibly also Allegro CL
and Symbolics CL.) All the subsystems are available free of charge for
research purposes.
o RELFUN is a logic-programming language with call-by-value (eager),
non-deterministic, non-ground functions, and higher-order operations.
It accepts freely interchangeable LISP-style and PROLOG-style syntaxes.
For sources to RELFUN and copies of relevant papers, contact
Dr. Harold Boley, DFKI, Postfach 2080, W-6750 Kaiserslautern, Germany,
call +49-631-205-3459, fax +49-631-205-3210, or send email to
o TAXON is a terminological knowledge representation system extended by
concrete domains. For sources to TAXON and copies of relevant papers,
contact Philipp Hanschke, DFKI, Postfach 2080, W-6750 Kaiserslautern,
Germany, call +49-631-205-3460, fax +49-631-205-3210, or send email to
o CONTAX is a constraint system for weighted constraints over
hierarchically structured finite domains. CONTAX uses CLOS in addition
to Common Lisp. For sources to CONTAX and copies of relevant papers,
contact Manfred Meyer, DFKI, Postfach 2080, W-6750 Kaiserslautern,
Germany, call +49-631-205-3468, fax +49-631-205-3210, or send email to
o FORWARD is a logic programming language with bottom-up and top-down
evaluation of Horn clauses. For sources to FORWARD and copies of
relevant papers, contact Knut Hinkelmann, DFKI, Postfach 2080, W-6750
Kaiserslautern, Germany, call +49-631-205-3467, fax +49-631-205-3210,
or send email to hinkelma@dfki.uni-kl.de.
GLisp -- apple.com:/pub/dts/mac/lisp/glisp.tar.Z
See also ftp.apple.com
StarLisp Simulator -- think.com:/cm/starlisp/starsim-f19-sharfile
Simulates *Lisp, one of the programming langauges used to program
the Connection Machine. Runs under Symbolics, Lucid, Allegro, and Franz.
InterLisp->Common-Lisp Translator -- ai.sri.com:pub/pkarp/lisp/ilisp/
Other InterLisp to Common Lisp translators may be found in the LispUsers
archive listed above.
The Yale Haskell system runs in CMU Common Lisp, Lucid CL, and AKCL.
It is available by anonymous ftp from
Chalmers animal.cs.chalmers.se
Glasgow ftp.dcs.glasgow.ac.uk
Yale nebula.cs.yale.edu
in the directory pub/haskell/yale as the files
haskell-beta-2-source.tar.Z -- full sources
haskell-beta-2-sparc.tar.Z -- sparc executable
Machine Learning:
ID3. A Lisp implementation of ID3 and other machine learning
algorithms are available by anonymous ftp from the machine learning
group at the University of Texas as cs.utexas.edu:pub/mooney
COBWEB/3 is a concept formation system available free after
signing a license agreement. Contact cobweb@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov
for more information.
LMath -- peoplesparc.berkeley.edu:pub/mma.tar.Z []
A Mathematica-style parser written in Common Lisp. Written by Richard
Fateman; fateman@renoir.Berkeley.EDU. Runs in any valid Common Lisp.
Maxima for Common Lisp (License required from National
Energy Software Center at Argonne.) Ported by Bill Schelter.
JACAL: Implicit representation and mathematics. Contact
jaffer@altdorf.ai.mit.edu for more information.
Medical Reasoning:
TMYCIN -- sumex-aix.stanford.edu:/tmycin The TMYCIN rule based system.
Object-Oriented Programming:
PCL -- parcftp.xerox.com:pcl/ []
Portable Common Loops (PCL) is a portable implementation of
the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS).
CLOS-on-KEE -- zaphod.lanl.gov:/pub/
A subset of CLOS that is implemented on top of KEE. Contact
egdorf%zaphod@LANL.GOV (Skip Egdorf) for more info.
MCS (Meta Class System) -- ftp.gmd.de:/pub/lisp/mcs/ []
Portable object-oriented extension to Common Lisp. Integrates the
functionality of CLOS (the Common Lisp Object System), and TELOS, (the
object system of LeLisp Version 16 and EULISP). MCS provides a metaobject
protocol which the user can specialize. MCS is claimed to be more
efficient in time and space than comparable systems we know, including
commercial CLOS implementations. Runs in any valid Common Lisp.
Contact: Harry Bretthauer and Juergen Kopp, German National Research
Center for Computer Science (GMD), Expert System Research Group,
P.O. Box 1316, D-5205 Sankt Augustin 1, FRG, email: kopp@gmdzi.gmd.de
Probabilistic Reasoning and Statistics:
BELIEF is a Common Lisp implementation of the Dempster and Kong fusion
and propagation algorithm for Graphical Belief Function Models and the
Lauritzen and Spiegelhalter algorithm for Graphical Probabilistic
Models. It includes code for manipulating graphical belief models such
as Bayes Nets and Relevance Diagrams (a subset of Influence Diagrams)
using both belief functions and probabilities as basic representations
of uncertainty. It is available by anonymous ftp from
ftp.stat.washington.edu (, and by email from the author,
Russell Almond <almond@stat.washington.edu>. Contact the author at
almond@statsci.com for information about a commercial version
GRAPHICAL-BELIEF currently in the prototype stages.
XSTAT is a statistics package which runs in XLISP. It has recently been
ported to Common Lisp, and is available as
The CL port does not yet include the lisp-stat dynamic graphics
package, only the numerics. The XLisp version is available from
the above site and several mirror sites, such as mac.archive.umich.edu.
NONLIN -- cs.umd.edu:/pub/nonlin (
Common Lisp implementation of the NONLIN planning system originally
designed and implemented by Austin Tate. Bugs can be reported to
nonlin-bugs@cs.umd.edu. User's group is nonlin-users@cs.umd.edu.
The authors request that anybody ftping the code send a message to
nonlin-users-request@cs.umd.edu, letting them know you have a copy
and also letting them know if you wish to subscribe to the users group.
More information can also be obtained from Jim Hendler, hendler@cs.umd.edu.
A Common Lisp implementation of ABTWEAK, a hierarchical nonlinear
planner extending David Chapman's (MIT) TWEAK, may be obtained by
anonymous ftp from csis.dit.csiro.au in the directory pub/steve. A
user's manual, a copy of the associated masters thesis by Steve
Woods, and an extended Journal paper are also contained in that
directory. Send mail to Steven.Woods@csis.dit.csiro.au for more
RHETORICAL is a planning and knowledge tool available by
anonymous ftp from cs.rochester.edu:/pub/knowledge-tools
in the files rhet-19-40.tar.Z and cl-lib-3-11.tar.Z. The files
tempos-3-6.tar.Z and timelogic-5-0.tar.Z add James Allen's
interval logic to Rhet. It runs on Symbolics Genera and
Allegro Common Lisp. Written by Brad Miller <miller@cs.rochester.edu>.
PRODIGY is an integrated planning and learning system,
available free after signing a license agreement. Contact
prodigy@cs.cmu.edu for more information.
SOAR is an integrated intelligent agent architecture currently
being developed at Carnegie Mellon University, the University of
Michigan, and the Information Sciences Institute of the University of
Southern California. SOAR, and its companion systems, CParaOPS5 and
TAQL, have been placed in the public domain. The system may be
retrieved by anonymous ftp to ftp.cs.cmu.edu (or any other CMU CS
machine) in the directory /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/soar/5.2/2/public/.
[Note: You must cd to this directory in one atomic operation, as
superior directories may be protected during an anonymous ftp.] For
more information, send email to soar-request@cs.cmu.edu or write to
The Soar Group, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Finally, though the software is in
the public domain, the manual remains under copyright. To obtain one
(at no charge) send a request (including your physical mail address)
to soar-doc@cs.cmu.edu or to the physical address above.
SNLP is a domain independent systematic nonlinear planner,
available by anonymous ftp from cs.washington.edu:/pub/snlp.tar.Z
Contact weld@cs.washington.edu for more information.
IDM is a Common Lisp implementation of both a classical and extended
version of the STRIPS planner. It is available by anonymous ftp from
sauquoit.gsfc.nasa.gov ( Questions, comments and bug
reports may be sent to idm-users@chelmsford.gsfc.nasa.gov.
Planning Testbeds:
TILEWORLD is a planning testbed/simulator developed at SRI
International by Martha Pollack, Michael Frank and Marc
Ringuette. TILEWORLD originally ran under Lucid CL, but was
later extended and ported to Allegro CL by Badr H. Al-Badr
and Steve Hanks. The new tileworld is available by anonymous
ftp from cs.washington.edu as the file new-tileworld.tar.Z
It includes an X interface. Contact pollack@cs.pitt.edu for more
TRUCKWORLD is a simulated world intended to provide a
testbed for AI planning programs, where the planning agent
is a truck that roams around the simulated world. It is
available by anonymous ftp from cs.washington.edu in the
file simulator.tar.Z. It includes an X interface. Contact
Steve Hanks <hanks@cs.washington.edu> for more information.
ARS MAGNA is a simulated world intended for use as a testbed for
planning and mapping programs. The simulated agent is a robot in an
indoors environment. High-level sensing and action are provided,
realistically modelled on current vision and robotics research. It is
written in Nisp, a macro package running on top of Common Lisp. It is
available by anonymous ftp from dept.cs.yale.edu in pub/nisp as file
ars-magna.tar.Z. It includes an X display. Contact Sean Engelson
<engelson@cs.yale.edu> for more information.
Qualitative Reasoning:
QSIM is a qualitative reasoning system implemented in Common
Lisp. It is available by anonymous ftp from cs.utexas.edu:/pub/qsim
Contact Ben Kuipers <kuipers@cs.utexas.edu> for more information.
Theorem Proving:
MVL (Multi-Valued Logic) is a theorem proving system written
in Common Lisp, and is available from t.stanford.edu:/mvl/mvl.tar.Z
A user's manual may be found in /mvl/manual.tex. Send mail
to ginsberg@t.stanford.edu.
cli.com:pub/nqthm/nqthm.tar.Z Contact: kaufman@cli.com
nqthm/ Boyer and Moore's theorem prover.
Also available from cli.com:/pub/nqthm.
proof-checker/ Matt Kaufmann's proof checking
enhancements to nqthm.
The mailing list nqthm-users-request@cli.com is for users of the
Boyer-Moore theorem-prover, NQTHM.
Virtual Reality:
VEOS (Virtual Environment Operating Shell) is an extendible environment
for prototyping distributed applications for Unix. The programmer's
interface uses XLISP 2.1. Although intended for distributed
Virtual Reality applications at The Human Interface Technology Lab
in Seattle, it should be appropriate for other applications. VEOS
uses heavyweight sequential processes, corresponding roughly to
unix processes. VEOS runs on DEC/5000, Sun4, and Silicon Graphics
VGX and Indigo. VEOS is available by anonymous ftp from
milton.u.washington.edu ( in the directory ~ftp/public/veos
as veos.tar.Z. If you use the software, the authors ask that you send
them mail to veos-support@hitl.washington.edu.
OBVIUS -- whitechapel.media.mit.edu:/obvius/ []
Object-Based Vision and Image Understanding System (OBVIUS), is a Common
Lisp image processing package. Provides a library of image processing
routines (e.g., convolutions, fourier transforms, statistical
computations, etc.) on gray or binary images and image-sequences (no
color support yet), an X windows display interface, postscript printer
output, etc. It uses a homebrew interface to X11 (i.e., it does not use
clx or clue). However, they eventually hope to port Obvius to a clx/clue
platform. Written by David Heeger <heeger@white.stanford.edu> and Eero
Simoncelli <eero@whitechapel.media.mit.edu>. Runs in Lucid-4.0. Includes
LaTeX documentation and User's Guide.